
Guess Life Through Face Shape

Symmetrical faces may be a desire of all women, as it will look proportionately from all sides. In contrast to the face is not symmetrical, the owner must seek a specific point of view in order to face that looks proportional and more beautiful.
Not only more attractive, symmetrical faces can also be a medium to deliver important information about health, beauty and charm. Consider the facts, as quoted
1. Sexy"Research shows that symmetrical faces were judged more attractive than those who do not," said Viren Swami, Ph.D., a psychology researcher at the University of Westminster and expert YouBeauty appeal.
However, the level of a person's face is not symmetrical to the value saklek in attracting people's attention. For some people, the level of symmetry played little role in making people fall in love.
2. Signal good genesSymmetrical describe endurance to stay alive. Just as symmetrical movements in animals associated with neural networks, symmetric in humans is also the system synchronized.
"Symmetrical left and right in the growing embryo requires very close control on each side to make it sync," said Ian Stewart, Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematics at Warwick University and author of "Why Beauty Is Truth '.
As has been previously studied, stress factors can easily poison the human health. However, adults who have symmetrical faces showed strong resistance against the pressure they've ever experienced in the womb. "Symmetrical shape does not occur in the growth process, but related to the control while still a fetus."
Basically, the shape is symmetrical gene signal good health and growth. "This is a good biological marker of quality," said Tony Little, Ph.D., Royal Society Research Fellow Psychology at the University of Sterling.
But according to him, the form of symmetry can not talk about health. "This form is only to tell their health when young because of the condition of the body develop according to lifestyle," Swami ujara.
3. Fertile women prefer a man with a symmetricalWhen you step on the time of ovulation, do not be surprised if you often look symmetrical-looking men. The Australian researchers demonstrated this by asking female respondents to smell the body of the shirt man. The women turned out to prefer the body odor of men with symmetrical faces.
But according to some studies, these men have multiple partners, happy affair, and more likely to have fantasy sex with someone else. And, they tend to become mistresses of women.
4. Nothing is perfectMaybe we crave symmetrical face, but it is actually just the image. "No human face is perfectly symmetrical. All human beings have a side that is not symmetrical," said Little.
It is precisely the imperfections that often make it look prettier. In fact, a symmetrical smile looked fake and insincere making it less attractive.
To be sure, face symmetry shows good health. Symmetrical face is not a guarantee it look more attractive, and does not guarantee happiness in love.

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